What to do about a fistula on the gums?
Fistulas (gum boils) can occur in many different areas of the human body where bone or tissue is present. When faced with an area of chronic infection, the body’s natural response is to create a fistula. Persistent inflammation occurring on your gums can lead to the creation of puss which in turn can cause a puss corridor. Sometimes, the passage becomes lined with specialized cells produced by the body to fight infection which in turn lead to the formation of granulated tissue around the puss. When this corridor reaches the surface, it’s known as Parulis Fistula. The condition is sometimes called a fistula gum or a gum boil.
They don’t always hurt
A fistula on the gum may or may not be painful. It usually looks like a reddened or yellowish, inflamed pimple or ulcer on your gum tissue. It may bleed easily, and if you press on it, pus may come out.

Pus in gums: A fistula with a pus corridor makes it look like pus is coming out of the gum tissue. The pus corridor in the schematic image above is only displayed for explanatory reasons. The corridor is normally hidden by gum tissue, leaving only a boil visible on the gum’s surface.
Serious business
A fistula gum is a serious condition that can lead to dental complications or even tooth loss. If left untreated, the infection could potentially spread and possibly destroy bones in the jaw and face. In rare cases, the infection can seep into the bloodstream and cause you to become septic.
Call the doctor
If you have a gum fistula, it is necessary to seek the help of a physician or dentist. They will be able to prescribe antibiotics if needed and assist in ensuring the fistula does not worsen or cause lasting damage. In some cases, you may need surgical intervention to repair damage posed by the fistula. Some health care practitioners may also want to drain the infection to help speed up the healing process.

A schematic drawing of a dental abscess. The pus canal originates at the point of inflammation. The canal functions as a way to expel bacteria from the point of inflammation.
Home treatment
There are ways to treat a fistula on the gums. Rinsing your mouth with a solution of warm water and salt up to three times a day can be helpful. Salt is a natural anti-bacterial agent which may help to reduce the infection while the warm water will aid in increasing blood circulation. These are two important factors in healing the fistula. You can also try dampening a tea bag and holding it on the gum fistula. This treatment may help to relieve swelling and encourage the puss to drain.
A fistula on the gum is a serious issue and can have lasting effects and harrowing complications. If you suspect that you have a gum boil, an appointment should be made to see a dentist or physician as soon as possible, even if you are not experiencing any pain. Rinsing your mouth with a solution of salt and warm water or applying a dampened tea bag may provide some relief while you are waiting to be seen by your health care provider.